Find out why Uber is using StreetLight Data's analytics to help plan UberAIR, a brand-new aerial urban transportation mode that promises to revolutionize the way people travel.
Self-driving cars, or automate vehicles, are close to technical feasibility. But are we ready to manage all aspects of their deployment? How can data help?
We used Location-Based Services data to measure Labor Day travel patterns - and found out how many American workers are commuting during this public holiday.
Transportation isn't just about traveling from place to place. It has broad socioeconomic impacts. The right traffic data can reveal these complex linkages.
A few data-driven tactics for reducing congestion misery on I-85 in Atlanta. We hope that this analysis will be useful for detour management in Atlanta in the coming months.
Uplevel your location intelligence solutions by partnering with StreetLight to incorporate validated mobility metrics into your platform, models, or services.
Key metrics:
Vehicle, Truck, Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Travel Patterns