Transportation data solutions
Transportation analytics for efficient, safe, and sustainable infrastructure

Mobility data products
Explore StreetLight products
Better data means better decisions. What problem are you trying to solve?

Use empirical data to serve existing and future travel demand. AADT, O-D, and other standard metrics are now at your fingertips.

Keep streets moving. Use our vehicle traffic patterns to solve capacity constraints and develop traffic management plans.

Build a climate-forward transportation system with data-driven analytics.

Better data means better decisions. Get validated, granular, nationwide insights into vehicular and foot traffic where it matters to you.
Use empirical data to serve existing and future travel demand. AADT, O-D, and other standard metrics are now at your fingertips.
Keep streets moving. Use our vehicle traffic patterns to solve capacity constraints and develop traffic management plans.
Build a climate-forward transportation system with data-driven analytics.
Better data means better decisions. Get validated, granular, nationwide insights into vehicular and foot traffic where it matters to you.
Trusted across North America

projects and counting
Coverage of U.S. Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs)
Point-and-click access to mobility insights
Why StreetLight?
With data at your fingertips, collected 24/7, we help you diagnose pressing issues, deliver projects on time, and keep your constituents informed.
Data collected “everywhere all the time” means you can zero in on any location, dates, times of day, and other parameters your project requires.
Take advantage of the deepest repository of mobility data and the stability of our parent company, Jacobs. Our platform grows with you: it is consistent, validated, privacy-protecting, and always on.
We build mission-critical tools that are tailored to your team’s biggest needs. Whether you’re solving congestion or expanding your business, we go beyond counts or O-D to get you to the right answer.

How we deliver your analytics
Our big data repository means accurate insights without the delays of data collection
Respond to issues faster and keep your team out of harm’s way. We collect data everywhere, all the time, providing the scale and depth needed for your project.

Explore our resources library
Case studies, data-driven research, and timely articles to learn how StreetLight helps solve transportation challenges.
Do you need data to inform your next project?
Talk to StreetLight about your needs, and join us in shaping a more efficient, sustainable world.
Here are some resources to help you go a step further: