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Intersection data

Ensure smooth traffic flow and improve signal timing

Avoid costly, manual data collection by accessing up-to-date, validated turning movement counts (TMC) for all intersections in your area.

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Streamline your region’s traffic flow with the most up-to-date intersection data

Access reliable counts for any intersection at any time of day.

Measure performance

Inform Level of Service evaluations with peak-hour counts for any intersection at any time of year.

Fill data gaps

Access recent intersection counts data for both signalized and unsignalized intersections with no travel, set-up, or cameras.

Save time

Get turning movement counts results in standard TMC formats and avoid post-processing.

Empirical intersection data and visualizations to support infrastructure planning projects

Get started
Signal optimization

Create optimized signal timing plans with inbound and outbound traffic flow data for all intersections on-demand.

Existing conditions reporting

Get baseline data to evaluate Level of Service at intersections for Traffic Impact Analysis or evaluation of alternatives for NEPA review.

Safety planning

Build robust safety plans, including areas where vehicles intersect with other modes, to get a full view of intersection performance.

Event and tourism planning

Measure intersection performance for any month to evaluate the impact of seasonal tourism or long-term projects.

Three months of data on 40 intersections in one day

Read success story
The challenge

The city of Temecula received a HSIP grant to coordinate traffic signals better for safer city streets and improved commute time. To perfect signal timing, planners needed comprehensive intersection data sliced by the time of day and day of the week to understand the causes and locations of current intersect slowdowns.

Data-based solution

In a single day, engineers ingested StreetLight TMC analysis of 40 intersections on four major travel corridors segmented by day type and daypart. The effort would have taken three months using traditional data collection and would have been significantly more expensive. Analysis revealed precisely when and where true peak traffic occurred, enabling engineers to retime signals and optimize traffic flow.

StreetLight Intersection Studies: At a glance

Get started
Turning movement counts

Get validated intersection counts at 15-minute intervals for any time of year.

Visualization and CSV files

Demonstrate traffic flow results to stakeholders via 3D maps, exportable charts, and table formats.

Broken down by day parts and day types

Measure the distribution of traffic through any intersection broken down by day parts and types, including peak hours.

Up-to-date and on-demand data

Access intersection data from the prior month on demand, giving you granular, recent data in a few clicks.

Check out other StreetLight products

Access our full suite of tools and visualizations to solve all your most pressing transportation planning challenges.

Traffic Volumes

Accelerate your infrastructure projects with validated, up-to-date traffic counts that are available for all roads in just a few clicks.

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Safety Studies

Pinpoint the most high-risk locations across your entire multimodal network.

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Congestion Management

Solve bottlenecks with quick access to multi-year traffic insights for all your roads in one easy-to-use platform.

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Transportation Modeling

Power your transportation models with accurate route choice data, including speed and travel time, available in minutes and at scale.

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Our customers

See why they chose StreetLight

We saved at least three months of time. To set [the analysis] up in less than a day and get all the info we needed, all nice and clean and formatted, was so easy.
Nick Minicilli
Traffic Engineer, City of Temecula, CA
StreetLight became the perfect tool to allow us to retroactively find traffic turning volumes.
Nada Naffakh
Traffic Engineer, Hanson Professional Services Inc.
We used StreetLight to break the data down by intersections, hourly volumes throughout the day, and fill in the holes where we don’t have raw data.
Joe DeVore
Project Manager and Traffic Supervisor, KLJ Engineering


Quick answers to questions you may have

Discover everything about StreetLight’s Intersection Studies product features, benefits, and more.

What is intersection data?

Intersection data can include various metrics about traffic where two or more roads meet, including complex intersections and roundabouts. A core metric used to analyze intersections is TMC, or turning movement counts, which measures the number of vehicles and the route they take through that intersection (e.g., whether they turn left, right, or pass straight through). Other data may also include vehicle speeds, vehicle hours of delay (VHD), and pedestrian and bike volumes..

How is intersection data collected by traditional methods different from the data StreetLight provides?

Traditional methods of intersection data collection include camera-based sensors and manual counts taken by agency staff. However, these methods are often costly and time-consuming and can put agency staff at risk.

StreetLight’s big data approach to intersection analysis uses data collected from connected vehicles and the Internet of Things to aggregate, anonymize, and process trillions of data points into the metrics transportation professionals use every day, including turning movement counts, vehicle speeds, and bike and pedestrian activity at intersections.

Why is intersection data important for transportation planning and management?

Intersections play a major role in traffic congestion, road safety, and top routes in a given area. To ensure safe and efficient traffic flow, transportation professionals often need to go beyond anecdotal evidence from local constituents to accurately diagnose intersection issues and evaluate potential solutions.

For example, turning movement counts and congestion metrics like VHD are critical to optimizing signal timing throughout the road network, while data on vehicle speeds and biking and walking activity are critical to understanding and improving safety conditions for vulnerable road users at intersections.

How do I learn more about the methodology, sample size, and validation of StreetLight’s intersection data?

You can read details on data sources, sample size, StreetLight’s proprietary Route Science® algorithm, and validation results comparing StreetLight’s Turning Movement Counts Analysis Volume Metrics against conventional sensor turning movement counts in this white paper.


What’s the typical turnaround time for obtaining intersection count results using the StreetLight platform?

Setting up a turning movement count analysis in the platform can be done in just a few clicks and takes only a few minutes. The time required to process the results varies based on the segment lengths and the time period included in the analysis. On average, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.

Do you need data to inform your next project?

Talk to StreetLight about your needs, and join us in shaping a more efficient, sustainable world.

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