We pioneered Big Data for mobility
Since 2011, we have harnessed hundreds of data sources that contribute to our Route Science® engine, developing unmatched transportation data processing capabilities and a deep, empirical understanding of how North America’s roads, sidewalks and transit interact.
Our market-leading repository continues to expand to take advantage of new data sources, new transportation modes and changing travel patterns.
We have built a trusted data science foundation, so you don’t have to.
Trusted, consistently validated analytics
But it’s not just the data. It’s what we do with it.
Every month, our proprietary data processing engine, Route Science®, algorithmically transforms billions of inputs into contextualized, aggregated, and normalized travel patterns.
Used in all 48 contiguous states, the resulting metrics have been exhaustively validated against external sources, including permanent and temporary sensors, household surveys, and the Census.
Standard transportation metrics you rely on, now at your fingertips.
Your team finds Metrics like AADT, O-D and turning movements indispensable.
But sensors are few, and manual surveys take time. StreetLight bridges your data and analysis gaps, giving you deep insights into all roads and all modes, presented as Metrics you already know.
Access our self-serve web platform, StreetLight InSight® to analyze and visualize travel patterns 24/7 – in your neighborhood, the next town over or across the country.