Essential Metrics for everyday traffic analysis

The StreetLight InSight® cloud platform gives you 24/7 access to your most critical transportation analytics, for any road and any mode, without deploying surveys or sensors. Explore the full Metrics menu below including Volume, Counts, O-D, and more.

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AADT for roads big and small

StreetLight AADT is a fundamental transportation metric but one that has previously been expensive and time-consuming to acquire. Permanent counters need maintenance and are expensive to install, while temporary measures like counting strips can only give data for a few days or weeks at a time.

Get 365 days of data for 4,500,000 miles of U.S. and Canadian roadway. From AADT for a localized traffic study to AADT for a whole region — access counts for 5 locations or 5,000 or more — on demand.

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Origin, destination, route

StreetLight InSight® goes far beyond typical Origin-Destination analysis, identifying the most prevalent travel routes, and providing numerous customization options. Select any zone or roadway and analyze where travel ends or originates.

Analyze all routes between two cities, a downtown and a bridge, or between specific intersections. Customize your O-D locations — office campus, park, or shopping center. Select any day of the week and time of day.

This is next-level O-D. We can support a travel demand model, a corridor study, a turning movement study, and more.


Turning movement counts (TMC) for any intersection, any time, any day

StreetLight’s TMC Metrics can help planners and traffic engineers save time with day-to-day projects, including measuring peak AM and PM hours for traffic impact and capacity analyses, and determining intersection traffic activity for safety planning.

Analyze TMC counts with 15-minute granularity for nearly every intersection at any hour of the day, signalized or not, for almost every road in the U.S. and Canada, without the sample-size challenges of 48-hour counts.

TMC Part 2

VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled)

Our Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Metrics inform travel demand forecasts, congestion planning, regional and corridor traffic studies, traffic mitigation, and analysis of greenhouse gas emissions, gas taxes, and more. Subscribe to StreetLight InSight® to get VMT for any road or region. Or access VMT metrics to help you fulfill the new requirements of SB 743.


VHD (Vehicle Hours of Delay)

StreetLight InSight® provides Vehicle Hours of Delay Metrics derived from StreetLight’s industry-leading Volume Metrics and integrated into the national highway network. Access historical and monthly VHD to help inform policy decisions and corridor performance measurements, and support projects such as congestion planning, travel time reliability assessment, regional project planning, revenue forecasting, and more.

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StreetLight demographics data

StreetLight InSight® Metrics include inferred income, race, education, and family status at the neighborhood level to enrich your perspective on travel patterns.
Use demographics to highlight impact on underserved communities and inform your transportation plan’s social equity goals.


Top Routes

StreetLight’s Top Routes feature automatically analyzes vehicle volume on all routes between the Origin-Destination pair of your choice.

Visualize Route Choice from point A to point B. Identify route alternatives or optimal detours for infrastructure projects. Analyze routes for personal vehicles vs medium- or heavy-duty truck traffic to solve congestion. Address neighborhood concerns over cut-through traffic, using empirical data.

Get access to Top Routes, your on-demand alternative to deploying bluetooth or license plate studies.


Inferred trip purpose

StreetLight’s Route Science® algorithmically transforms trillions of location data points over time into contextualized, aggregated, and normalized travel patterns. From these patterns, we can infer probable work and home location metrics for composite groups of people, shedding light on commute vs other forms of travel — and informing policy planning, transit planning and tourism.

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Trip speed, travel time, length

Get additional metrics, such as average trip speed, travel time and distance. Streetlight InSight® also rates “circuity” — or the indirectness of routes taken. These metrics help measure congestion and the effectiveness of parking locations in specific areas.


Trip speed, travel time, length

Get additional metrics, such as average trip speed, travel time and distance. Streetlight InSight® also rates “circuity” — or the indirectness of routes taken. These metrics help measure congestion and the effectiveness of parking locations in specific areas.


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