Looking for VMT metrics to help you fulfill the new requirements of SB 743?
Starting July 1, California is shifting from vehicle Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) for transportation impact analyses under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). StreetLight’s VMT metrics are an easy and affordable way to get VMT data anywhere in the state to satisfy the new rules. Get access to up-to-date data, rather than relying on less granular or older modeled data. Contact our team to learn more.
Save time and access best-in-class VMT metrics
Data derived from model estimates have multiple limitations-small sample sizes, infrequent data updates, and multiple months for completion. We have created a special cut of our VMT metrics for SB 743 that expedites the long waits, and harnesses the power of 365 days of Big Data.
2 calendar months
assist to normalize, expand
*Sacramento Area Council of Governments
2 calendar months
assist to normalize, expand
*Sacramento Area Council of Governments
Say goodbye to LOS and hello to VMT
Help your region minimize greenhouse gas emissions. Use our VMT for SB 743 implementation including screening, performance updates, compliance, adapting to rapid behavioral changes, new modes, and more. Compare your project’s location to city, county, or regional averages. Get access to the following required metrics (and more) for cities, counties, or MPOs:
Household VMT per resident
Home-based work VMT per employee
Home-based VMT per resident
VMT for visitors
New VMT Metrics from StreetLight to Comply With California's SB 743
Watch this webinar to learn about:
- StreetLight’s methodology behind the VMT metrics
- Fehr & Peers’ independent validation study of the metrics
- Uses for Big Data in SB 743 implementation
This webinar features Ron Milam, Director of Technology at Fehr & Peers, and Laura Schewel, CEO of StreetLight Data.
StreetLight SB 743 Metric Methodology and Validation
Our white paper explains the data sources and methodology behind the new Metric, and shares independent validation information.
Read our white paper to explore:
- The location based data (LBS) approach to measuring vehicle miles traveled
- SB 743 metrics summarized based on VMT classifications (Resident, Employee, Visitor VMT)
- Fehr & Peers independent validation study of our Metric using Census Block Groups
Get started with StreetLight’s SB 743 VMT metrics
Access these metrics today so you can start to abide by CEQA’s new requirements prior to July 1.
Contact our team to get started.