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Traffic volume data

Automate your traffic counts and fill data gaps on all roads

Revolutionize the way traffic counts are collected. Address traffic concerns faster with access to accurate traffic volume data available at your fingertips. Accelerate infrastructure investment, meet federal reporting requirements, and share data-based evidence with communities and stakeholders.

Get started

Accelerate your infrastructure projects with accurate traffic data available for all roads in just a few clicks

Streamline access to traffic counts for quicker results and broader coverage.

No manual collection

Avoid putting staff in harm’s way with automated traffic counts at scale.

Fill data gaps

Get annual average daily traffic (AADT) for nearly every road, from main arterials to local roads, every day of the year.

Shorten planning cycles

Quickly access validated counts across multiple years in an easy-to-share format.

Respond to issues faster

Address traffic concerns with counts at your fingertips, saving time and money.

Prioritize projects confidently with validated roadway metrics available at a lower cost than traditional methods

Get started
Traffic counting

Get recent and historical traffic counts for local or rural areas in a few clicks.

Existing conditions reporting

Access counts at scale to serve multiple projects, from NEPA reviews and grant applications to other pre-construction reports.

Roadway maintenance planning

Support infrastructure work and maintenance needs with easy access to validated traffic counts.

Hotspot analysis

Analyze high-quality and validated AADT metrics available for all roads to identify bottlenecks and ensure effective traffic monitoring.

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Tulsa MPO fills annual average daily traffic data gaps

Read success story
The challenge

INCOG needed AADT traffic counts to feed into their publicly-available web map, which is used by developers, business owners, county officials, city planning departments, and others. Due to the high cost, many regions stopped collecting traffic counts, creating gaps in data INCOG could provide to its constituents.

Data-based solution

INCOG entered 2,500+ zones into StreetLight Insight® and was able to get the AADT counts for those specific areas in minutes. StreetLight’s AADT metrics provided accurate and thorough traffic volume data for missing jurisdictions. The MPO then uploaded the counts to their web map, providing access to all stakeholders.

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StreetLight Traffic Volume: At a glance

Get started
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)

Get validated AADT counts at scale without sending staff into the field.

Multi-year data

Analyze AADT counts to study traffic patterns across the years.

Prediction intervals

Access 95% prediction interval statistics demonstrating a level of confidence.

Roadway volume trends tool

Scan multiple geographies and access instant macro-level roadway trends.

Roadway classifications

Get traffic counts for all road types, including high-volume highways and residential streets.

Charts and visualizations

Access metrics and 3D interfaces that are broken down by day parts, day types, and peak hours.

Check out other StreetLight products

Access our full suite of tools and visualizations to solve all your most pressing transportation planning challenges.

Congestion Management

Solve bottlenecks with quick access to multi-year traffic insights for all your roads in one easy-to-use platform.

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Safety Studies

Pinpoint the most high-risk locations across your entire multimodal network.

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Intersection Studies

Streamline your region’s traffic flow with recent every-intersection traffic counts.

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Transportation Modeling

Power your transportation models with trusted route choice data, including traffic volumes, available in minutes and at scale.

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Our customers

See why they chose StreetLight

Without StreetLight’s AADT metrics, we would have no arterial streets data.
Nimish Dharmadhikari
Transportation Modeling Coordinator
We compared StreetLight’s volume estimates with WisDOT’s continuous counts. The result showed that StreetLight’s AADT were very reliable.
David Kanning
Transportation Planner & Modeler, Greater Madison MPO
Many Cities and MPOs do not have access to regular traffic counts on low-activity corridors such as local roads. StreetLight is a next-generation data source, offering a more comprehensive traffic picture than we’ve ever had before. The applications are endless.
Sandeep Datla
Sr. Transportation Modelling Engineer, City of Edmonton
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Quick answers to questions you may have

Discover everything about StreetLight’s Traffic Volumes product features, benefits, and more.

What is traffic volume data?

Traffic volume data measures the number of vehicles in a given location (such as a specific road segment or zone) over a given time frame (anywhere from 15 minutes to a whole year). While vehicle volumes are the most commonly used traffic volume metric, volumes can also be measured for bike and pedestrian activity. Vehicle volumes may also be segmented out by vehicle weight (light-, medium-, and heavy-duty) to help capture differences in personal vehicle activity vs. truck activity.

How is traffic volume data collected?

Traffic volume data provided by StreetLight is collected from connected vehicles and the Internet of Things, rigorously anonymized and validated, and processed by our proprietary Route Science® algorithm to transform trillions of data points into the traffic volume metrics transportation professionals use every day, such as AADT and Monthly Average Daily Traffic (MADT).

Unlike traditional data collection methods like roadway sensors, manual counts, and surveys, this big data approach can deliver volume metrics for any road and any time period without the limitations of traditional methods like costly sensor installs, small sample sizes, human bias, or putting agency staff at risk.

How accurate is StreetLight Data's traffic volume data?

The accuracy of StreetLight’s data may vary depending on the size (i.e., number of lanes) and type (e.g., urban arterials vs. rural or residential roads) of roadway being studied. However, validation results show a strong correlation between StreetLight traffic volume metrics and traditional roadway counter data. You can learn more about the accuracy of our most recent AADT metrics in our white paper.

Does StreetLight Data's traffic volume data cover all road types?

StreetLight provides data for all road types, including high-volume highways and low-volume rural roads in the U.S. and Canada.

What data periods are available within the platform?

Within the StreetLight InSight® platform, you can easily access both historical and recent AADT data to analyze year-over-year trends. Every summer, we release AADT counts for the previous year.

Additionally, certain StreetLight solutions, such as safety and transportation modeling, offer more up-to-date traffic volume information, sometimes as recent as the last month. A StreetLight rep can help you determine what data periods are currently available to help accomplish your specific goals.

Do you need data to inform your next project?

Talk to StreetLight about your needs, and join us in shaping a more efficient, sustainable world.

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