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Hire our data science experts to provide the answers or help solve your challenge

Are you a DOT or engineering firm looking to partner on a custom project? Or a New Mobility company looking to understand granular travel demand in your markets? Hire our data science experts to help. 

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Explore examples of our work

The Challenge:

An energy solutions provider required a detailed evaluation of travel and parking behaviors to evaluate candidate locations for installing up to 18 EV chargers, with considerations of both total trip activity and how long vehicles were already parking in the candidate areas. A national mobility provider wanted to understand overall travel demand and origin-destination patterns for all counties in the U.S. to support needed changes to their nationwide mobility services.

The Solution:

StreetLight provided granular zone trip volume and dwell time metrics by hour of day and day of week to describe how the existing land use and available parking impacted vehicle length of stay, average trip distances, and trip origins and destinations influenced by the analysis zones. The results helped prioritize where the most successful installation zones would likely be for achieving initial high EV charger utilization and return early ROI to their investments

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The Challenge:

A national mobility provider wanted to understand overall travel demand and origin-destination patterns for all counties in the U.S. to support needed changes to their nationwide mobility services.

The Solution:

The StreetLight team completed a customized long-distance origin-destination analysis using over 18 billion trips from our big data repositories. By allowing multiple trip breaking criteria definitions, the mobility provider was able to determine relative length of journey, trip and tour distances, and intermediate stop length of stay to quantify how competitive their service was against passenger car travel in both traveler convenience and the share of primary destinations successfully served. 

Do you need data to inform your next project?

Talk to StreetLight about your needs, and join us in shaping a more efficient, sustainable world.

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