Traffic data analytics for business
Unlock business potential with nationwide traffic insights
Businesses incorporate StreetLight’s industry-leading road traffic data solutions via software, API, or bulk data delivery to make more profitable location intelligence and mobility strategy decisions.

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Traffic data analytics like those provided by StreetLight turn thousands of data points from connected vehicles and the Internet of Things into information about traffic patterns, mapped onto road networks across the U.S. and Canada.
Using metrics like vehicle volumes, vehicle speeds, Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), Vehicle Hours of Delay (VHD), and more, businesses can understand potential customers’ travel behaviors and how they might impact demand for their products, visits to their locations, or partnerships with public entities.
There are a wide variety of historical and real-time data metrics to help businesses gain insight into mobility patterns impacting their business, including Origin-Destination (O-D) patterns, vehicle volumes, vehicle speeds, VMT, VHD, bike and pedestrian activity, Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), and travel times.
Analyzing traffic data can help a variety of businesses make more profitable decisions about their real estate portfolio, new products and services, retail operations, events management, pricing structures, and more. Retailers and restaurants, fuel retailers, Research & Development teams, business consultancies, utilities, and auto OEM businesses are just a few common examples.
Businesses often use this insight to determine the best locations for new stores, decide whether to add EV chargers to existing locations, forecast electric grid demand from rising EV use, predict where and when demand will be highest for auto parts and services, understand how traffic disruptions impact customer visits to their locations, or make informed decisions about staffing and operating hours.

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