Big Data is changing transportation analytics and paving the way for more data-driven transport planning. Learn 6 critical traffic data metrics for every planner.
How accurate is StreetLight’s vehicle speed data? We compared our metrics to speed data from New York City’s OpenData portal so you can see for yourself.
Need comprehensive site selection analytics? StreetLight Advanced Traffic Counts offer vehicle and pedestrian Metrics for over 8 million road segments.
Facing limited funding and the dreaded "fiscal cliff," transportation professionals are under pressure to do more with less. Here's how traffic analytics are helping them stretch budgets and win more funds.
A new FHWA GHG Performance Measure now requires DOTs and MPOs to measure emissions. But their measurement method has key limitations — particularly for MPOs.
Learn how you can use turning movement counts to facilitate safety planning, signal retiming, commuter and tourism planning, and retail site selection.
Getting data for congestion management is costly and time-consuming, but StreetLight's new tool helps agencies and consultants view region-wide trends in minutes.
To plan effective decarbonization initiatives, transportation agencies need data on trip origins, truck traffic, and the impact of EVs. StreetLight’s new GHG Emissions Metrics help them zero in.
Uplevel your location intelligence solutions by partnering with StreetLight to incorporate validated mobility metrics into your platform, models, or services.
Key metrics:
Vehicle, Truck, Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Travel Patterns