Real-world demos and webinars

Get a feel for how StreetLight InSight® works by putting yourself in front of the computer screen. Our demos and webinars walk you through real-life analyses on our platform.


Monitor Traffic Flow Across Your Whole Network webinar

Monitor Traffic Flow Across Your Whole Network With Real-Time Data for ALL Roads

On July 30th, join us for a virtual webinar with live Q&A where we’ll share how new real-time data tools can help you deploy traffic management solutions faster to improve traffic flow for special events, construction, and more.

Introduction to StreetLight

Discover the Big Data metrics used by practitioners around North America in this live webinar.

Transportation Data Now webinar

Transportation Data NOW: Expanded Coverage, AI & Data Science, and New Real-Time Monitoring

What you need to know about big transportation data, and the new innovations now available to help you make the right decisions.


Transforming urban infrastructure: How traffic and mobility data can help cities evolve

Explore how traffic and mobility data can be used to make cities safer, healthier and better connected, even as they get bigger and busier.

Construction Without the Traffic Complaints

Construction Without the Complaints: New Tools for Safer Work Zones, Limited Congestion, and Faster Builds

Reduce highway construction traffic delays and improve work zone safety with data for more efficient road closures.


Transportation Safety Solutions: Tools to Prioritize the Right Improvements

Learn how new transportation safety data tools help you identify high-risk road corridors, assess countermeasures, and prioritize the right improvements.


Connected Vehicle Data: New Partnerships for a New Year

A new partnership is diversifying StreetLight’s transportation data supply and offering new benefits for customers and the industry. Learn how it impacts you and your team.


Transportation Climate Solutions: Measure GHG & Reduce Emissions

Learn how to reduce transportation emissions by using data to support climate-friendly transportation modes, and speeding and improving emissions measurement.


U.S. Walking + Mode Share Trends: The Good and Bad News On Active Transportation

Learn what new mode share and pedestrian traffic data reveals about the state of active transportation in the U.S.


U.S. Bike Trends + How to Zero in on Your Community

After the pandemic “biking boom,” how has cycling activity fared in U.S. states and metro areas? See our ranking of where biking momentum is strongest and weakest as of 2022, and learn how to monitor active transportation in your own community.


Solve Congestion Faster: Fix gridlock traffic and get your community moving

Learn how to get at-scale congestion insights for your whole region with on-demand data to speed up traffic fixes.


EV Experts Panel: Plan your Infrastructure for the EV Revolution

As we push toward ambitious electrification goals in the coming decades, is our EV charging infrastructure ready? Panelists discuss the data behind intelligent forecasting and public-private collaboration.


Safety Roundtable

With pedestrian safety in the spotlight, planners and advocates discuss how data can support improved transportation safety for infrastructure development, prioritization, policy making, and education.


Exploring the Integration of NREL’s Mobility Energy Productivity Metric with StreetLight

Addressing key shortcomings in existing accessibility calculations, researchers from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) developed the Mobility Energy Productivity (MEP) metric, which captures the quality of mobility available in a given location while taking into account the time, cost, and energy efficiency of modes that provide access in that location.


Safer Intersections, Flowing Traffic

To manage intersections effectively, a complete view of traffic patterns across different times of day, days of the week, and seasons is essential. Learn how on-demand turning movement counts (TMC) can be used to retime signals and get comprehensive intersection activity across any time period in a single output.


AADT 2022 for ALL Roads: How to Advance Projects with On-Demand Traffic Counts

Get access to the most recent AADT 2022 traffic counts across rural and urban roads, rigorously validated against traditional counts. Dive deep into how DOTs, MPOs, and cities can use on-demand AADT 2022 counts to advance project planning and fulfill reporting requirements.


Build The Most Effective Transportation Model: Better Data to Reflect Changing Mobility

Transportation modeling depends on the quality of data inputs. Learn from our customer how analytics ensured they have the best tools to adapt to changing demographic, economic, and spatial conditions.


Get Ahead of Federal Grant Guidelines with Data-Supported Frameworks

To access infrastructure funds, agencies must ensure they’re meeting shifting federal guidelines on equitable public involvement. Learn how you can ensure you’re facilitating public input and using data to effectively support your outreach and grant application work.


Streamlining the Corridor Study: How Analytics Shorten Timelines & Expand Coverage

Learn how on-demand analytics support more actionable corridor study work at a lower cost and on a shorter timeline than many traditional data collection methods.


Leading with data to meet travel demand. EVs, smarter corridors, and more.

Learn about the latest innovations helping agencies tackle demand today, and into the future, including the new EV mode metric, corridor studies post-COVID, how analytics support decarbonizing transportation, and other TRB hot topics.


Quantify Truck Activity: How Big Data Can Improve Routing & Roadway Planning

Trucks have a major impact on everything from roadway conditions to air quality, but disentangling truck activity from overall vehicle movement is challenging. Solve this challenge and allow practitioners to quantify and classify commercial vehicle activity across any road, any time.


The U.S. Downtown Post-COVID: How to solve congestion and drive economic development

U.S. VMT may be back to pre-COVID levels, but downtown districts are still lagging. Despite that, traffic congestion is accelerating. What can cities do to drive economic development in the central core while diffusing congestion?


AADT 2021 at Your Fingertips: Solve Data Gaps with Validated Traffic Counts for All Roads — Urban & Rural

With StreetLight’s AADT 2021 Metrics, you get access to the most recent traffic counts that meet industry accuracy standards and are validated against traditional counts, with improved accuracy over previous years’ AADT Metrics. Join the webinar to dive deep into the new AADT Metrics, validation, updated methodology, and tips for utilizing AADT Metric for federal reporting.


Bike Infrastructure Roundtable: The data you need to build vibrant, safe neighborhoods

Implementing critical Active Transportation initiatives requires comprehensive data insights. Join our virtual roundtable to learn how different types of organizations – state DOTs, consulting firms, advocacy groups – utilize data to prioritize bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements.


Validating Big Data for Turning Movement Count traffic data collection

Watch our webinar to see how Fehr & Peers validated StreetLight’s Turning Movement Counts estimates, overcoming sample size challenges and saving time by bypassing traditional data collection efforts.


Fast-Track EV Site Acquisition and Improve Charger Utilization with Data-Driven Insights

Power your site selection decisions as you prepare to build your region’s next wave of electric charging locations. Utilize on-demand Metrics to identify the top EV charging sites, improve station’s ROI, anticipate electric grid load demand, and more.


Electrify Your Region: New Dashboard Identifies Charging Locations Needed to Meet EV Demand

Data analytics from StreetLight’s EV charging dashboard provide agencies and private companies insights to identify gaps in the existing charging infrastructure and strategically prioritize the next charging stations based on policy goals.


America’s Top 100 Bicycling Cities: New Data Points the Way on Growing Active Transportation

Two years into the pandemic, experts discuss city-by-city biking trends and specific investments U.S. cities are making to boost active transportation and safety.


TRB Annual Meeting 2022: StreetLight Demo

Watch our exclusive demo for TRB and discover the range of transportation metrics available on-demand through our interactive software, StreetLight InSight®.


Save Time and Resources With New Turning Movement Traffic Counts

See StreetLight’s Turning Movement Count Metrics, useful for commute planning, signal optimization, corridor studies, and more.


Rush Hour is Back: Return-to-Office Lessons for Your City

From transit passes and new on-demand options, to staggered schedules, to ramp metering, see what’s working in a one region and the implications for yours.


From Speeding to Bike Safety: Data-First Approaches to Solving Your Residents’ Top Concerns

Transportation analytics can help city engineers and public works officials save time and costs. Prioritize residents’ requests and focus on pinpointing safety and equity improvement areas.


Modeling Transit Demand Data to Boost Ridership Recovery

Immense and StreetLight demonstrate powerful simulations for identifying optimal transit routes using validated data for your city’s ridership.


Three Transportation Data Gaps and How to Fill Them

Fill your organization’s transportation data gaps by sharing three types of specific analytics that can help you solve common transportation problems.


VIRTUAL PANEL: Connected vehicle data to improve traffic safety post-pandemic

Watch our virtual panel with Ford Mobility to learn how faster data, such as connected vehicle data and Big Data, can address the rapidly changing landscape on the streets post-pandemic.


Easy VMT for SB 743 Implementation

Watch our SB 743 implementation webinar to see how Fehr & Peers calculated VMT per resident, employee, and visitor for each Census Block Group in Citrus Heights, CA, and how Citrus Heights put that data to use.


3 New Methods for Bicycle Risk Assessment

Improve your bicycle risk assessment capabilities. Instead of just counting bicycle activity on a few roads, or just tracking crashes, this webinar shows you three new types of analyses for studying bike safety.


Calculate AADT 2020 and Fill COVID-19 Traffic Count Gaps

Looking to automate your AADT counts? Need AADT for rural roads but only have counters on urban roads? Watch the webinar to learn more about our annual AADT U.S. metrics for 2020 that have been validated against permanent counters and continue to exceed industry standards.


Creating Transportation Safety by Design

Build transportation safety by design for Vision Zero, Complete Streets, work zone safety and MIRE requirements. StreetLight shares shifts in bike and pedestrian travel patterns nationwide, and how to tackle exposure and improve safety in your area.


Applying Telematics to Modeling Vehicle Emission Inventories

Watch the webinar to learn about the validity of using telematics for vehicle emissions modeling and a growing range of other emission inventory use cases. John Koupal from the Eastern Research Group shares case studies.


Transportation’s Impact on Climate Change During COVID

StreetLight CEO Laura Schewel talks about the COVID-related factors affecting this year’s 2020 U.S. Transportation Impact Climate Index in this transportation and climate-change webinar.


Tackling Transit Data Challenges Webinar

Learn how StreetLight’s powerful Transit Metrics help transportation planners tackle transit data challenges, including augmenting data sets for boarding and alighting, and supporting social equity analyses in this webinar.


Future-Proof Your Transportation Budget

See presentations from Departments of Transportation, consulting firms, and municipalities about planning through 2020’s transportation budget issues.


Services Projects from StreetLight: Solving Complex Transportation Problems

Learn how consulting firms, companies, DOTs, and MPOs collaborate with StreetLight’s Services Projects experts to solve complex transportation challenges.


Top 5 Transportation Trends of 2020

Join StreetLight’s experts to learn more about the top takeaways from our Covid Transportation Trends eBook.


Origin-Destination On Demand: Replacing Surveys to Manage During COVID-19

Origin-Destination surveys can’t keep up during fast-changing pandemic times. Learn how on-demand O-D can capture these trends.


Scenario Planning in the Pandemic Era

In this webinar learn scenario planning for balancing short-term transportation plans and established, long-term goals while dealing with a barrage of pandemic-related unknowns.


Data Takeaways From “Slow Streets” in Vancouver

StreetLight’s analysis of “slow streets” in Vancouver, including key metrics for mitigating transportation emissions and supporting active transportation.


LBS Data: Benefits for Environmental Justice Studies

Learn how location-based services (LBS) data’s sample size and bias compares to traditional surveys for use in environmental justice studies.


Unpacking the COVID Trip Reduction Index

Augustin K. Wegscheider from Boston Consulting Group shares BCG’s Trip Reduction Index, which analyzes COVID-19’s impact on vehicle miles traveled.


Climate Impact: Denver Closes Streets to Cars

Many cities, including Denver, shut down streets to help minimize travel and maximize social distancing during stay-home orders. Could this be a more permanent solution to lowering transportation emissions? Get the right metrics to analyze this option.


Climate Impact: Seattle Works From Home

During stay-home orders, many businesses found that they could operate just as effectively as with commuting workers. See the data that can help determine if encouraging work-from-home options could help your city to lower transportation emissions permanently.


Climate Impact: Los Angeles Limits Sprawl

California recently passed legislation mandating that new transportation projects not increase VMT. Cities can incorporate VMT into building guidelines to help control sprawl and also limit emissions


Climate Impact: Atlanta’s First and Last Mile

Atlanta’s BeltLine encourages multimodal transportation with 22 miles of trails connected to transit. Learn more about how to analyze first- and last-mile options for your city to see if this is a promising tactic for permanently improving climate impact.


Estimating Traffic Counts During COVID-19 with Digital Data Collection

For transportation engineers, traditional traffic data collection has always carried physical safety risks – and now it carries health risks too. By digitizing their data collection efforts, transportation engineers can continue their work ‒ without deploying sensors or surveys.


Coming Back from COVID-19: Bridging the Transportation Budget Gap

Responding to transportation’s “new normal” requires better, cheaper, faster data. Learn how agencies onboard StreetLight in a matter of hours to make progress and save millions.


New VMT Metrics from StreetLight to Comply with California’s SB 743

StreetLight and Fehr & Peers have developed new statewide “VMT impact screening” metrics to quickly assess communities following SB 743’s recommendations.


Canada AADT 2019 Now Available On-Demand From Your Home Office

Learn how to access 2019 AADT metrics for Canada and get insights into the traffic counts for urban and rural roads.


Did Americans Stay Home on Easter?

We used our daily VMT Monitor to understand vehicular street activity for more than 3,000 individual counties on Sunday April 12th


Use Big Data to Understand COVID-19’s Impact on Transportation

Get empirical data for your geography from the safety of your home office, and study the impact of COVID-19 on traffic, travel patterns, toll revenues, and more.


Running Transportation Projects from the Safety of Your Home

Learn how to derive reliable volumes, turning movements, O-D, AADT, and other core metrics from your home office, 24/7.

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Count on Us for Counts: StreetLight Has Early AADT 2019 Metrics

Learn what’s new in our AADT 2019 U.S. metrics and how you can access the on-demand counts early in the year.

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2019 Transportation Climate Impact Webinar

Learn more about the analysis and methodology behind the 2019 U.S Transportation Climate Impact Index.

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Moving Ridesharing Into the Sky: eVTOL Network Efficiency

Hear from Uber Elevate’s Ian Villa, who explains how Elevate performs holistic vehicle-network simulations to model demand in Los Angeles and other target markets.

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Analyzing Top Route Choice with StreetLight InSight®

Register for our webinar to learn how StreetLight’s new Top Routes metric analyzes all route choices vehicles take between any Origin-Destination pair.

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Volpe Talk: Our New Mobility Future

Watch StreetLight CEO Laura Schewel address the Volpe Center as part of the U.S. Department of Transportation thought leadership speaker series.

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Tackling 5 of Today’s Toughest Transportation Problems

Join experienced transportation planner Jim Hubbell and active transportation expert Sean Co for a lively discussion about today’s biggest transportation problems and solutions.

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StreetLight MADT and Annual Hourly Traffic

MADT Monthly Annual Daily Traffic.

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Using StreetLight InSight® to Analyze Truck Traffic

Our four-minute demo video shows how easy it is to use StreetLight’s truck traffic metrics from your desktop. The on-demand metrics we provide for medium and heavy duty truck traffic

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Analyze Visitor Demographics Webinar

Watch our webinar to see how easy it is to analyze visitor demographics for trips in your area.

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Big Data AADT for Transportation in Canada Is Here!

Until now, Canadian DOTs and transportation agencies had no easy or affordable way to gather traffic counts for the entire region, especially in sparsely populated areas. Big Data can help.

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Watch our most popular webinars

Introduction to StreetLight

Discover the Big Data metrics used by practitioners around North America.

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Solving Cut-through Traffic

See how cities use Big Data to mitigate "Waze Effect" neighborhood traffic.

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Bike & Pedestrian Analytics

Deploying Active Mode infrastructure and tracking impact using Big Data.

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Introduction to AADT 2018

Methodology and permanent-counter validation behind StreetLight AADT.

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