Methodology for StreetLight InSight® traffic diagnostics

This page summarizes the methodology behind the Scoring for StreetLight’s Traffic Diagnostics analysis. For each Trips Score, to get the “Share Score” version simply remove the factor of Average Annualized Hourly Trips (AAHT) to get the score expressed as a percentage of all trips on the road. The scores automatically adjust to the time period selected. For example, if 3-5PM is the designated time period, the AAHT will be a two-hour AAHT, and the rest of the factors will be taken as a weighted average.

Walkable trips score

This score tells you how many car trips on a given road are walkable.

Average Annualized [Hourly] Trips * Share of Trips under 2 Miles * (Boolean: If Max Speed <50 then 1, Else 0).

Bikeable trips score

This score tells you how many car trips on a given road are bikeable.

Average Annualized [Hourly] Trips * Share of Trips under 5 Miles * (Boolean: If Max Speed <50 then 1, Else 0).

Network improvement trips score

This score tells you how many car trips on a given road could be shortened/impacted by network improvements. Network improvements include better wayfinding, two way streets, easier parking, and connectivity.

Average Annualized [Hourly] Trips * Share of Trips with Circuity > 2.

Employee incentive trips score

This score tells you how many car trips on a given road could be impacted by working with employers at certain locations. Employee incentives include changing shift times, work-from-home programs, carpooling, transit benefits, etc.

Average Annualized [Hourly] Trips * Share of Trips that are home-based-work * Share of trips that are concentrated in the same 20 Origin and Destination TAZs.

Transit/carpool scores

This score tells you how many car trips on a given road could be impacted by sharing rides.

Average Annualized [Hourly] Trips * Share of trips that are concentrated in the same 20 Origin and Destination TAZs.

Commercial truck policy scores

This score tells you how many trips on a given road could be impacted by implementing policies aimed at commercial trucks, such as time of day restrictions, routing, commercial parking improvements.

Average Annualized [Hourly] Trips * Share of trips from commercial trucks