ClimateElectric VehiclesEV Charger DeploymentGHG EmissionsTransportation Planning

How Should We Build EV-Charging Infrastructure?

By July 3, 2024 August 9th, 2024 No Comments
electric vehicle charging at station

Electric vehicles (EVs) are a critical element of the fight against climate change. Compared to a typical gas-powered vehicle, the average EV produces less than half the amount of carbon pollution over its lifetime.1 Even at today’s moderate levels of EV sales, electric cars are already reducing crude oil usage by 1.7 million barrels a day.2

Yet we have a long way to go to reach the tipping point, when EVs take over as the primary form of individual transportation. In the U.S., 10% of new vehicles registered in 2023 were electric, far from a majority.3 Tipping the scales requires not only an increase in EV production, but a significant expansion of the nation’s EV charging infrastructure.

As of today, our systems are woefully underprepared for an EV-dominant future. What will it take to catch up? Although federal and state-level funding is essential, building an adequate charging infrastructure largely comes down to smart, data-driven planning.

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In this article, we’ll explore what that looks like, covering the following:

  • How do EV charging stations work?
  • The current state of EV charging infrastructure
  • Optimizing charger placement in communities
  • Promoting sustainable energy sources

How Do EV Charging Stations Work?

Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), as charging stations are commonly called, is fundamentally different from gas pumps. While both types of equipment are designed to refuel vehicles, EV charging stations are far less standardized than gas pumps.

EVSE comes in several different types, from basic (extremely slow) Level 1 chargers to high-speed, Level 3 DC fast chargers. Although the latter can recharge an empty car battery to 80% in less than an hour, most public EVSE consists of Level 2 chargers, which take anywhere from four to 10 hours to achieve a similar charge level.4

Not surprisingly, EV charging station costs vary widely based on type. You can plug into your home outlet for Level 1 charging, but it’ll cost anywhere from $1,000 for a basic home Level 2 charger to upwards of $50,000 for a commercial Level 3 charger.5, 6

Besides the cost of EV charging stations, planners must consider numerous other factors, including the connection type, interoperability with various vehicles, and the payment network of choice. All of these are critical factors in how to build EV charging station infrastructure.

The Current State of EV Infrastructure

In the U.S., the number of public and private EV charging stations has grown rapidly in recent years, thanks largely to available tax credits and incentives to help reduce upfront costs. However, the nation’s EV charging infrastructure has a long way to go to keep pace with near-term goals for vehicle electrification.

That’s especially true for public EVSE. Recent research by Stanford University sounded the alarm that relying on nighttime, home-based charging would put far too much demand on the electrical grid within the next decade.7

Currently, there are almost 10 times more home EV chargers than public ones, and that ratio needs to change quickly.8 Data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) further supports the need for a massive uptick in public charging station installations. As of 2023, there were just over 168,000 public charging ports available in the U.S., but NREL research calls for nearly 1.2 million public ports to match EV demand by 2030.9, 10

massachusettes EV Charging infrastructure Gaps

A screenshot from StreetLight’s EV Dashboard visualizes the largest EV charging infrastructure gaps across Massachusetts, based on vehicle activity and existing charger locations.

It’s not just a numbers game, either. If electric vehicles are to become the norm, EV charging station infrastructure must be more accessible to everyone. That means charging equipment must become more interoperable with all types of EVs, stations must be available where people can conveniently use them, and EVSE must be reliable and easy to use.

Overall, reaching this level of accessibility requires more investment in both public and private (workplace) charging, along with a commitment to eradicating “charging deserts” in underserved communities.11

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Optimizing Charger Placement in Communities

The long-term goal may be accessible, reliable charging for everyone, but we are still many miles from that final destination. Accelerating our progress in the right direction requires near-term prioritization. Where does a given community need EV charging infrastructure next? What locations would make it practical and easy for more existing EV drivers to switch from charging at home overnight to charging at work or while shopping during the day?

To understand that, planners must gather and analyze a host of data. Targeting the ideal location for more EV chargers involves analyzing demographics and demand, accessibility concerns, and mobility patterns in various communities. It also requires an understanding of existing infrastructure and the differing needs of rural and urban locations.

For instance, planners in a dense urban area may need to evaluate traffic patterns in numerous parts of the city to understand how far people commute every day, where they tend to stop and for how long, and where people without driveways tend to park. In a rural area, conversely, data about long-range commutes and the most trafficked freeway corridors may be more relevant. They might also examine data about interstate corridors with heavy commercial freight transit to find ideal hubs for charging heavy-duty vehicles.

In the Silcon Valley, for example, planners used StreetLight InSight® to evaluate Origin-Destination (O-D) data, traveler demographics, and more to help choose locations for 400+ public EV chargers.

Planners must also attack the problem at a broader level, considering factors like how a specific location for EV charging stations will affect electricity demand in a particular area.

To prepare the electric grid for rising EV charging demand, Eversource, New England’s largest utility, used StreetLight to forecast where and when charging demand would be highest to plan substation upgrades and charging rates that would incentivize off-peak charging. Their demand analysis also allowed them to coordinate long-term electrification planning with public agencies.

Eversource EV electric grid demand graphs

Promoting Sustainable Energy Sources

Taking a wider scope, examining the best locations to maximize the impact of clean transportation can help planners prioritize where and how to build EV charging infrastructure. Although EVs reduce emissions regardless of where you deploy them, they offer the largest reduction in regions that rely on clean energy sources like wind, solar, or hydroelectric power.

For example, driving an EV in a coal-dependent state like West Virginia results in a 50% reduction in emissions compared to driving a gas car. In Texas, which is a national leader in solar and wind power generation, choosing an EV reduces emissions by over 77%.12

Practically, the application here is twofold: On one hand, it may be beneficial to develop more EV charging infrastructure in areas that already rely on clean energy sources. Yet, it’s also likely worth considering policies and incentive programs that will help municipalities and private companies go beyond simply installing EVSE to adding solar panels, wind turbines, or other clean energy sources that increase EVs’ environmental impact.

Get Charged Up With Big Data

EV charging infrastructure has come a long way in the U.S.—but there’s still a long road ahead to add enough EVSE to support a truly all-electric transportation system. Reliable data is crucial at this stage, regardless of where you’re looking to add more charging equipment. The pressing issue doesn’t simply come down to adding more chargers, but knowing where to put them so that they best serve real-world demand efficiently and equitably.

With purpose-built EV metrics and emissions analytics, StreetLight InSight® can help planners, policymakers, and businesses make smart decisions in this crucial sector. This software unlocks access to relevant transportation data, including O-D, vehicle miles traveled, traveler demographics, travel times, and more. This helps pinpoint where people are traveling and when traffic is highest to measure the potential GHG impact of adding EV charging stations to any specific location, while ensuring the grid can handle rising electric demand.

See how it works in the video below.

To learn more about how you can use big data to fight against climate change, download our Transportation Climate Data Solutions handbook.

To start using StreetLight to plan your EV charging infrastructure today, contact us here.

1. Yale Climate Connections. “Don’t get fooled: Electric vehicles really are better for the climate.”

2. BloombergnNEF. “ElectricVehicle Outlook 2024.”

3. International Energy Agency. “Global EV Outlook 2024: Trends in electric cars.”

4. U.S. Department of Transportation. “Charger Types and Speeds.”

5. J.D. Power. “What Does an EV Home Charger Cost?”

6. State of New York. “Exhibit I Cost of charging stations.”

7. Stanford University. “Charging cars at home at night is not the way to go, Stanford study finds.”

8. International Energy Agency. “Global Outlook 2024: Trends in electric vehicle charging.”

9. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. “The 2030 NationalCharging Network: Estimating U.S. Light-Duty Demand for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.”

10. Alternative Fuels Data Center.  ”U.S. Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.”

11. World Resources Institute. “Many US Communities Face EV ‘Charging Deserts.’ 5 Strategies Can Help.”

12. Alternative Fuels Data Center. “Emissions from Electric Vehicles.”

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